Vienna has boats, ships & more…

Summertime and water belong together in a way. Now Vienna (unfortunately) still is far from the sea, but that is no reason not to offer lots of exciting activities around the water.

How about boating?

So in today’s blog, it is all about boating; yes, you read correctly because Vienna’s an excellent offer combining several things. But first things first.

As you know, Vienna is settled […]

Attention fish is crossing!

Vienna as a marine biology research center… Yes, this was a real plan.

How it all began …

Now maybe you are thinking that this is a contradiction in terms since Vienna and the sea do not fit together. So, you combine an old, anit-aircraft tower (built 1942-1945) with marine biological research to establish Vienna as the center for this topic. Yet a brilliant fixture […]

The house without eye brows

Looshaus Wien (c) Andreas Praefcke

Vienna is known worldwide for its unique architecture. From imperial buildings like Schönbrunn Palace to modern architecture by contemporary visionaries. Many buildings tell their own extraordinary story, which can sometimes be very moving and emotional.

A well-known house in the middle of the city center caused pure horror when it was built in Vienna: the Looshaus in the first district […]

A summer day in Hernals

Currently, Vienna faces absolute summer temperatures, and on these days, you really have to spend the time outside enjoying the great weather. Therefore, I have compiled a nice mixture of how to spend a summer day in Hernals. Very relaxing and easygoing.

Significantly as the temperatures rise, Vienna, like most large cities worldwide, can get hot and stuffy. So let us assume you have […]

Parking in Vienna & Hernals

Parking in Vienna with all the regulations can be a bit challenging. But with the necessary information, you can park your car very relaxed.

Short-stay parking zones in almost all of Vienna

In Vienna, there is a short-stay parking zone, and parking is charged from Monday to Friday (holidays excluded) and is limited in time. The short-stay […]

2023-11-28T09:03:02+01:00By |Vienna info|0 Comments

Austria Guides for Future – experience the future of the city

Vienna is a diverse, multi-layered city. From the imperial legacy to exciting new projects that point the way to the future. But much of it is still little known, sometimes even undiscovered. The Austria Guides for Future are now making part of it visible.

I recently met Cristina-Estera Klein. She and some other Austria Guides met in the middle of the Corona year 2020 […]

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